As far as I am concerned, the pain originates from the mismatch between the silence of God and human desire for unified understanding, purpose, and meaning. What is the answer to love, belief, and everything? Does my life signify anything? Why has God created me so eternally dissatisfied and confused? God, my god, why hast thou forsaken me?
啃完TGW真的太累了這季是強撐看下去Eli和Paige的拉郎配真是莫名其妙-又用那種“大家都是成年人”的腔調硬拆散哦工具人A和J的感情也完全沒有立足點不如還我GoodeNow I get why people have children - they can admire themselves in someone else. E15里A在一群男人中掰不開文件的細節非常好監聽這個穿針引線情節真的太太太hilarious-Jared最高我也想要500acres火星地Margo MartindaleGender war莫名其妙Cary行為無邏輯