地獄里團結才有可能性‘To protest is to refuse being reduced to a zero and to an enforced silence…one protests (by building a barricade, taking up arms, going on a hunger strike, liking arms, shouting, writing) in order to save the present moment, whatever the future holds.’ From John Berger, Bento’s Sketchbook (London: Verso Books, 2015).
為什么評分很低我要來振興一下好好看啊正宗英式英語學起來太陽升起個詭異的嬰兒頭好迷人where have the teletubbies gone 這種神句感覺可以治愈國人之時態恐懼癥耶自然生活百科之英語表達速成法詳情請參照大话西游粤语劇集love it