copy the form of things; the growth of plants and trees and the structure of birds, animals, insects and fish; further into the underlying principle of things; a divine state; every dot and every stroke will be as though alive. human world; natural world; spiritual world; relationship between. 很奇怪為什么沒有提到中國宋馬遠的水系列和陳容的九龍圖以及芥子園畫譜只是舊書店老板提到葛飾北齋圖像化的小說都是來自中國大衛霍克尼提到中國流傳下來的兩個關于藝術家和藝術的說法當然此時的中國與彼時的中國完全兩樣或者說我們應該以一種與自己無關的態度仔細審視古代中國.... 我又成功的把自己說暈了